Registration is now open for the first spring session of CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI). The 10 six-week and two three-week classes included in the Spring I session cover a variety of subjects ranging from a hands-on experience with local geology to the ongoing Israeli/Palestinian conflict.  

Spring I class subjects cover the arts, health, global politics, music, movies, current and historical events and much more. Classes begin Jan. 21 and end March 7 and will be both in-person, via Zoom, or a combination of both, in a hybrid format.   

Because there will be a field trip around the campus, “The Language of Rocks” will be an in-person class taught by CSUCI Biology Lecturer Renee French. French is a geologist whose accomplishments include working with scientists at NASA and the Lunar and Planetary Institute on the terrain of other planets.  

“I will be bringing in rocks and minerals for people to look at,” French said. “I always love having discussions with people who bring in their own rock and mineral collections. We can work on it together to identify them. For me it gives people a reason to slow down and appreciate the landscape around them.”   

Those who take the OLLI course might be surprised at how knowledge of local rock formations shifts the way we look at everyday landmarks. During the last class, French will lead students around the campus to look at local outcroppings while French explains their origins. 

“When you see layers, you’re looking at sedimentary rock. However, the layers we see around campus represent distinct lava flows associated with that conical shape you see when you drive up the Conejo grade - that’s an ancient volcano dated between 13 and 16 million years ago. All the volcanics in the area are called Conejo volcanics. When you’re talking geology, you have to rewire your brain. ‘Recent’ to a geologist means millions of years ago.” 

Former CSUCI History Lecturer and veteran OLLI instructor Clifford Wilcox, will help participants better understand the history behind the Israeli/Palestinian conflict with “Unpacking the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict: Context and History.”  

“We will explore the basic contours of the Israeli-Palestinian relationship and focus on the root cause of the extended conflict,” Wilcox explained. “Our goal is to hold an extended conversation over choices made and not made and try to understand our current situation through historical exploration.” 

And if music theory has ever confounded you, “Music Education: De-Mystifying Music Theory” taught by veteran composer and performer Francis Scott Moyer will take students on a journey behind the notes to share simple music theories that will open up a world of music appreciation. 

In keeping with the OLLI tradition of including the arts and philosophy in course offerings, mathematician, artist and mechanical engineer BiJian Fan will discuss the scientifically backed benefits of the ancient Chinese practice of Qigong, which combines movement, breathing, and meditation to improve health and well-being. 

Other courses include “Escape from Berlin! (The Nazis’ Gift to Hollywood),” taught by Los Angeles screenwriter and producer Matthew Weisman, “Protect Yourself from Marketing by Understanding How Marketing Works,” taught by Ventura College business professor Nick Norris, and more.  

To browse the catalog or register for classes, visit the OLLI website.   

There is a $15 Annual Membership fee for OLLI, which remains active through Summer 2025. Enrollment is $60 for each 6-week course or $30 for each 3-week course. Students can take unlimited courses for $150 or $200 for couples. 

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