
The Certificate in Chemistry is designed to provide individuals who have already obtained a BA or BS degree in another discipline with the opportunity to obtain a certificate for advanced Chemistry coursework that is equivalent to a minor in Chemistry. The certificate signifies that a student has completed an integrated, rigorous program which includes introductory and foundational course work in chemistry.

Five easy registration steps

At a Glance

  • Area of study: General and Organic Chemistry
  • Ideal for: Individuals who wish to update their knowledge, skills, and abilities to include a formal chemistry education or are currently earning a different type of degree.
  • Location: Camarillo Campus
  • Program format: In-person
  • Number of courses: 7-8
  • Program length: varies
  • Fees: $305 per unit.
  • Financial Assistance: Certificate Programs do not qualify for Financial Aid. Matriculated students may use Financial aid.

   Program Chair
   Blake Gillespie, Ph.D
   Phone: (805) 437-2796

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