esrm students

Students interested a new era of robotic instruments, individualized manufacturing, the open source movement, and crowd sourcing can complete our Environmental Technologies Certificate and work to harness some of new technologies to help begin to respond to the daunting challenge of threats to our biosphere.

This program leverages a deep network of experts, exponential science and technology, and entrepreneurship to bring new conservation innovations to scale and to provide novel and cost-effective data to managers on the front lines of our resource challenges. 

Students can focus on drone work and/or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) work, which qualifies you to be a GIS analyst in both the public and private sectors. Graduates will be qualified for positions as entry-level field technicians, aerial and underwater drone pilots, sales, and program managers in both private and public sectors. 

Five easy registration steps

At a Glance

  • Area of study: Environmental Science Resource Management
  • Ideal for: ESRM professionals or current BS ESRM students 
  • Location:Camarillo Campus and off-site locations
  • Program format: Classroom
  • Number of courses: 6
  • Program length: 1 year
  • Fees: $305 per unit.
  • Financial Assistance: Certificate Programs do not qualify for Financial Aid. Monthly payment plans may be available.
  • Program Chair:
    Dr. Kiki Patsch
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