How does Extended University calculate faculty pay?

  • For Fall, Winter Intersession, Spring and Summer special sessions, Extended University will pay according to the CSU Salary Schedule for Special Programs, Class Code 2322 (PDF, 273KB) (class enrollment determines the per unit rate x class units= total pay).

  • For 16 week sessions, you will receive a payment about the midpoint of the session for 50% of your salary, and a second payment two weeks after the end of the session for the remaining balance of your salary. For shorter sessions, you will receive a single payment, within approximately two weeks, after the end of the session, for the total amount of your salary.

Where can I find information on S Factor compensation?

How do I view Extended University Appointments in CHRS?

How is the Additional Employment 25% determined?

Where can I obtain copies of my paystubs?

Access your Paystubs and W2 forms online using Cal Employee Connect

Register with Cal Employee Connect to access/view/print your pay stubs and W-2 Forms

  1. Have a recent paper pay stub in hand
  2. It has information you will need to register
  3. You must be a stateside employee
  4. Go to Cal Employee Connect
  5. Select Register

CSUCI Payroll Services

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